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Technology Centre of ISF Schaumann Research

The new building of ISF Schaumann Research on Hülsenberg Estate in Wahlstedt comprises a 500 m² Technology Centre and biogas trial space.

The Technology Centre allows various large-scale trials to be conducted and processes to be tested. Typical tasks include:

  • Ensiling trials (20 ºC climatic chamber) -Determination of aerobic stability (20 ºC climatic chamber)
  • Biogas batch trials (40 ºC climatic chamber)
  • Biogas continuous trials (40 ºC climatic chamber)
  • Mixing trials for acid granules and mixed feeds
  • Technology Centre operation – eccentric vibrating mill for organic trace element production

Further development of ensiling agents for various substrates (grass, maize, CCM, sugar beet, WPS) and applications (cattle feed, pig feed, biogas production). About 12-15 ensiling trials are conducted annually for this purpose, with each trial usually involving 80 samples and numerous analyses.

Bestimmung der Temperaturerhöhung von Silagen zur Ermittlung der aeroben Stabilität.
Determination of the temperature increase of silages to determine the aerobic stability

The Technology Centre of ISF Schaumann Research in Wahlstedt comprises a total of 150 batch systems of various sizes ranging from 1 to 60 litres, and 24 continuously operated biogas fermenters. This makes ISF Schaumann Research Germany’s largest-capacity private facility in the field of biogas research and development.

Biogas trials via a pressure sensor
Adjustment of mixing intensity in a continuous biogas fermenter

Current research and development efforts concern the production of organically bound trace elements in the form of so-called trace element glycinates using an eccentric vibrating mill.

This truly innovative production method, which ISF developed in close cooperation with Clausthal-Zellerfeld University, allows trace element glycinates to be produced with minimal energy and technical input.

The resulting organic trace elements have already been incorporated in numerous Schaumann products. This novel approach produces substantial environmental benefits, as it permits the quantity of trace elements contained in any mineral feed to be significantly reduced.

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